Remote - CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
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It constitutes the largest unit in the field in the Nordic countries. The Centre is characterised by a very strong exchange of ideas, Lund University Medical Laser Centre MAPCI - Mobile and Pervasive Computing Institute at Lund University Metalund Moisture Research Centre NanoLund National Renovation Centre Process Industry Centre at Lund University, PIC-LU The Experiments performed with the high-contrast 0.7-J 35-fs Ti:sapphire laser at the Lund Laser Centre focused into a helium gas jet have produced quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with energies up to 150 MeV. The beam is produced as a result of controlled wavebreaking of a wakefleld generated by the relativistically channeled laser beam. Under the best conditions of laser energy and plasma Find research and researchers at Lund University Research excellence areas MAX IV & ESS Innovation and entrepreneurship Services for researchers Faculty research links About the University The University at a glance Faculties, departments & centres Management & leadership Northern Optics & Photonics 2018 (NOP 2018) will be arranged on 12-14 September 2018 in Lund, Sweden. The conference is organised by the Swedish Optical Society and PhotonicSweden in conjunction with the Lund University and Lund Laser Centre and sponsored by optics/photonics societies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Baltic countries. Welcome to Lund Laser Centre The Lund Laser Centre (LLC) is an organisation for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the fields of optics, spectroscopy and lasers at the Lund University. At the LLC a broad range of activities are pursued within several different research divisions and groups at the engineering, sciences and medical faculties, and at the MAX IV Laboratory. The Lund Medical Laser Centre (LUMLAC) is an umbrella organization for supporting interdisciplinary work regarding basic techniques development and clinical applications in the internationally strongly expanding field of biophotonics.
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It constitutes the largest unit in the field in the Nordic countries. SE-22100 Lund, Sweden Phone +46 46 2228340 Fax +46 46 2224119. EXCON 2021. Lund Laser Centre.
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Remote - CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
Lund Laser Centre, LLC's profile in Lund University Research portal Coworkers W. Claes-Göran Wahlström Director . claes-goran [dot] wahlstrom [at] fysik [dot] lth [dot] se +46 46 222 76 55 Directory administrator . Anne Petersson-Jungbeck Faculties Faculty of Engineering The Lund Laser Centre (LLC) was established in 1995 as an organisation for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the fields of optics, spectros¬copy and lasers at the Lund University. At the LLC a broad range of activities are pursued within several different research divisions and groups at the engineering, natural sciences and medical faculties, and at the MAX-IV laboratory.
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claes-goran [dot] wahlstrom [at] fysik [dot] lth [dot] se +46 46 222 76 55 Directory administrator . Anne Petersson-Jungbeck Faculties Faculty of Engineering The Lund Laser Centre (LLC) was established in 1995 as an organisation for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the fields of optics, spectros¬copy and lasers at the Lund University. At the LLC a broad range of activities are pursued within several different research divisions and groups at the engineering, natural sciences and medical faculties, and at the MAX-IV laboratory. Lund University Medical Laser Centre (LUMLAC) Box 118, SE-221 00 LUND Tel: +46 70 688 30 02 E-mail: . Accessibility statement Division of Russian Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies, Yiddish, and European Studies. Central and Eastern European Studies.
European Studies
Lund University Medical Laser Centre (LUMLAC) Box 118, SE-221 00 LUND Tel: +46 70 688 30 02 E-mail: . Accessibility statement
Lund University Medical Laser Centre (LUMLAC) Box 118, SE-221 00 LUND Tel: +46 70 688 30 02 E-mail: Accessibility statement
Being a spearhead of the Lund Laser Centre, which is a European Major Research Infrastructure, this Facility is open not only to Swedish scientists, but also to scientists from the rest of Europe. The lasers of the High-Power Laser Facility are:
Lund University, Lund Laser Centre publishing date 2010 type Other contribution publication status published subject. Physical Sciences; keywords F:753, Fysicumarkivet F:752 publisher Lund University language English LU publication?
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Kemicentrum. Department of Chemistry. Department of Physics. Lund University, Lund Laser Centre publishing date 2010 type Other contribution publication status published subject.
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