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dict. ed. 8., no. 5. 1768 Synonyms . Ambrosia fruticosa Medic.

Ambrosia arborescens wikipedia

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A nemzetség egyetlen, Európában őshonos faja a tengerparti parlagfű (Ambrosia maritima), mely a Földközi tenger partvidékén terjedt el. Fajok [ szerkesztés ] A nemzetség minden tagjának virágpora allergén hatású, ezek közül kettő az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban és Kanadában több virágpor-allergiás gondot okoz, mint az Ragweed pollen is a common allergen.A single plant may produce about a billion grains of pollen per season, and the pollen is transported on the wind. It causes about half of all cases of pollen-associated allergic rhinitis in North America, where ragweeds are most abundant and diverse. Las ambrosías (Ambrosia spp.) son un género de plantas herbáceas o arbustivas pertenecientes a la familia de las asteráceas, nativas de Norte y Sudamérica, desde donde se han difundido por Europa. Comprende una treintena de especies de plantas anuales o perennes, que crecen en especial en regiones llanas, poco húmedas y arenosas.

In its native range, A. arborescens is used as a medicinal plant with analgesic, antiinflammatory and antiseptic properties. References ^ AMBROSIA ARBORESCENS WHOLE QV0M305SBI Other Approval Year Unknown. 99195.

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Ragweed species are expected to continue spreading across Europe Genus: Ambrosia Species: Ambrosia arborescens. Name . Ambrosia arborescens Mill., Gard. dict.

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Ambrosia arborescens wikipedia

- yra 1768 - [[Ambrosia arborescens|Ambrosia arborescens]] Ambrosia arborescens , Mill. sinonimas.

Ambrosia arborescens wikipedia

Ambrosia artemisioides (Ambrosia arborescens). The Plant List (2010). Google: Ambrosia artemisioides (Ambrosia arborescens), nuotraukos. Yahoo: Ambrosia Ambrosia arborescens is a species of plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to the Andes from Colombia south to Bolivia. In its native range, A. arborescens is used as a medicinal plant with analgesic, antiinflammatory and antiseptic properties.
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Ambrosia arborescens wikipedia

To je veoma raširen korov i jedna od najraširenijih biljaka iz roda Ambrosia u Sjevernoj Americi i nekim dijelovima Evrope . Ambrosia. L. Ambrozija (limundžik; lat. Ambrosia), biljni rod iz porodice glavočika s preko 50 priznatih vrsta. Ime roda dolazi po istoimenoj grčkoj riječi u značenju besmrtan, jer je prema predaji bila hrana bogova koja ih je činila besmrtnim.

Dự án Bộ Cúc; Trang này được thực Wikipedia® là thương hiệu đã đăng ký của … Ambrosia arborescens is a species of plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to the Andes from Colombia south to Bolivia.
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Ambrosia arborescens - Ambrosia arborescens - qaz.wiki

The breast cancer cell lines MCF-7, JIMT-1, wfo-0000043582 Ambrosia arborescens Mill. This name is reported by Compositae as an accepted name in the genus Ambrosia (family Compositae ). All members of the Ambrosia genus present a high content of sesquiterpenic lactones which possesses antibacterial, cytotoxic, and antifungal properties [40, 41]. Regarding A. arborescens, former studies have reported damsines, coronophilines, and psilostachynes as the main sesquiterpenic lactones in this species [39, 42, 43]. Background: Ambrosia arborescens has been used in Andean traditional medicine to reduce problems associated with various inflammatory diseases and conditions, although the underlying mechanism is unknown.